Category Archives: performance

Look! Photos!

Images from FURYFactory 2011. (Click on one to enlarge and start slideshow.)

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Filed under images, performance


Okay, yes, we disappeared from here for a while. But we were busy! Script, music and movement was finished, workshopped, rehearsed (by two different Bees – thanks, Lindsay and Ben!), and performed. We deserted the blog to make that happen. Sorry about that.

However, you can now see the video from our San Francisco Friday night (June 10) performance here. The first seven minutes or so are just recording our set-up; the performance starts at about 7:30 so you may want to click to start there.

And if you’d like to hear us talk about the process a bit, you can listen in on our talkback from the same night. We start around 10:30, following the talkback for Outlook’s performance.

Many thanks to High Concept Labs in Chicago for hosting our workshop production a couple of weeks ago, and to FoolsFURY Theatre in San Francisco for hosting us at the FURY Factory Festival of Ensemble Theatre this past week. We’ve had a wonderful time.

– michelle

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Filed under discussion, performance, process